Monday, August 30, 2010

Introduction and identification of 3 mahogany - Bowen Preview

Introduction and identification of three mahogany July 21, 2010

GB mahogany 5 8 class of 33 species of wood are the main producing area, features one, Pterocarpus (1) red sandalwood (1) sandalwood sandalwood sandalwood sandalwood commonly known as \

Latin name: Pterocarpus santalinus L. F. . Reference price about 800,000 yuan / ton.

trade name: red sanders, red sandal-wood.

Main origin: India. Sandalwood red sandalwood growth cycle 500 - 800 years or so.

wood structure features: diffuse porous wood. Growth ring was not obvious. The new orange-red heartwood section, for a long time to Deep Purple or Black and Purple is often striped with light and Zihei; scratches evident; wood flooding fluid purple, with fluorescence. Pores in the human eye can not see the next few; string to the average diameter of 92μm; number of small to slightly less, 3 to 14 / mm2. Axial parenchyma apparent under a magnifying glass, the main type for the concentric layers or slightly wavy thin (1 to 2 cells wide), thin tube-like ring. Wood fiber wall thickness, full of red gum and red sandalwood pigment. Rays can be seen under a magnifying glass; wave mark is not obvious; rays form a separate organization with. No or very faint aroma; structure very fine to fine; texture staggered, and some local curling (some take this as \

sandalwood red sandalwood by wood structural characteristics of the texture can be divided into the following categories:

A: pear red sandalwood, red sandalwood brown eyes thick like such an old pear, slightly twisted songs, re-light color quality, fade, coarse texture than other red sandalwood, is not suitable for fine carving, as red sandalwood and Venus chicken blood red sandalwood valuable, too late to make the year, after more than in the late Qing Dynasty.

B: chicken blood red sandalwood, red sandalwood though not with this, \Fine texture with oily, especially near the sapwood area, often irregular, ranging from the length of a block of dark red zebra, funny considerable. Chicken blood red sandalwood is not common, the number is not too much. Venus known as a big red sandalwood. The timber diameter slightly larger, more face-centered and other aniseed, is small in the big big.

C: ox hair pattern red sandalwood, red sandalwood brown eyes of this fine and long, slightly curved Some, like the ox hair-like, called \also used more.

D: Venus red sandalwood, red sandalwood is a relatively rare species. \In fact, the so-called bright spot is among the trees colloidal crystal fiber catheter, other wood has, except that the wood valuable, was the myth, too much reputation has. Venus rosewood brown eyes were twisted wire or \Side one angle, then were ups and downs like the \Guangrun its fine texture, color Zihei, made objects, the old, out to \Anyway because of their texture is not obvious, horizontal, \In addition, the quality of color depth is also very suitable for re-do Jinyu antique bracket, it was so heavy use of the court. As the quality of small firm can also be made of \Also, the wood powder to study medicine, leaded terminal illness, is a precious medicinal herbs. Called \Venus red sandalwood. \Weight than the other big red sandalwood.

degree by beginning with the largest array of luxury: Venus Rosewood> ox hair pattern purple> Tan cock Purple> Tan pear sandalwood

Note: (1) \

Côte d'Ivoire Olive wood commonly known as \Wood properties of red sandalwood with sandalwood similar partial light yellow color, stripes are more brittle material than the sandalwood red sandalwood.

(2) \

ant tree known as the \Produced in South America.

(3) \

Romer black rosewood, commonly known as \Romer black Dalbergia origin Madagascar.

(2) Rosewood class (1) Vietnam Cambodia Vietnam Cambodia sandalwood red sandalwood (PterocarpuscambodianusPierre) is mainly produced in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand.

trade name: Vietnampadauk, thonong.

wood structure features: diffuse porous wood, semi-ring porous wood tend to clear. Growth rings indistinct. Heartwood reddish brown to purple brown; wood flooding out of the red liquid. Pores visible under the naked eye, with red gum; string to the maximum diameter of 172μm, an average of 139 μm; rarely to slightly less, 2 to 6 / mm2. Axial parenchyma apparent under a magnifying glass, the main for the concentric or slightly wavy in the thin line (width of 2 to 3 cells in the outer growth ring more). Wood fiber wall thickness, full of red gum. Rays can be seen under a magnifying glass; wave marks visible; rays form a separate organization with. A fragrance; structure fine; texture staggered; air-dry density of 0.94 ~ 1.01 g/cm3.

Cambodia Cambodia produced more red sandalwood in the wood color can be divided into three categories: 1, Thnong Kraham reddish brown; 2, Thnong chheam mon was bright red brown; 3, Throng sar was orange.

(2) Andaman red sandalwood

Andaman red sandalwood (PterocarpusdalbergioidesBenth.) is mainly produced in India, Andaman Islands.

trade name: Andamanpadauk, Andamanredwood, vermilion.

wood structure features: diffuse porous wood, semi-ring porous wood tend to clear. Growth ring is quite obvious. Heartwood reddish brown to purple-brown, often with black stripes; scratches visible; flooding fluid brown, with fluorescence. Pores in the growth of round-house, under the naked eye is quite obvious that the maximum tangential diameter of 310μm, mean 149μm; rarely, at least, 2 to 5 / mm2. Axial parenchyma apparent under a magnifying glass, the main type of thin line for the concentric and the interrupted wing-shaped poly (mostly 2 to 3 cells wide, in the growth rings outside more). Wood fiber wall thin to thick. Rays can be seen under a magnifying glass; wave marks & c. see in the magnifying glass; ray organizations and form a separate, fragrance-free, or very weak; structure fine; texture typical staggered, deer spot pattern; air-dry density of 0.69 ~ 0.87 g / cm3.

(3) hedgehog hedgehog

sandalwood red sandalwood (PterocarpuserinaceusPoir.) commonly known as \

main origin as: Tropical Africa.

trade name: ambila.

wood structure features: diffuse porous wood, semi-ring porous wood tend to clear. Growth rings indistinct or obvious. Purple heartwood reddish brown or reddish-brown, often with dark stripes; scratches visible. Pores in the growth of round-house, under the naked eye can see; string to the maximum diameter of 290 μm, an average of 177 anal m; rarely to slightly less, 2 ~ 7 / mm2. Axial parenchyma abundant, obvious or visible under a magnifying glass, the main strip and the thin line for the (mostly 2 to 4 cells wide). Wood fiber wall thin to thick. Rays in the clear under the magnifying glass; wave marks visible; ray organizational isomorphism separate. No or very faint aroma; structure fine; texture staggered; air-dry density of 0.85 g/cm3.

(4) Indian rosewood

Indian rosewood (PterocarpusindicusWilld.) is mainly produced in India, Myanmar, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea,

Malaysia and Indonesia, China, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and Yunnan Introduction and cultivation.

trade name: amboyna, Burmacoastpadauk, sena, Manillapadauk, narra.

wood structure features: semi-ring porous or diffuse porous wood. Growth ring clearly. Heartwood reddish brown, dark reddish brown or golden yellow, often with shades of dark and white stripes; scratch no; flooding deep brown fluid, with fluorescence. Pores in the growth of round-house, under the naked eye is quite obvious that the maximum tangential diameter of 258μm, mean 141μm; rarely to slightly less, 1 ~ 1 2 / mm2; often with yellow sediment. Axial parenchyma abundant, clearly under the magnifying glass, the main pipe for the concentric band-like layer-type Pong, poly wing-like and thin line (width 1 to 4 cells). Wood fiber wall thin to thick. Rays can be seen under a magnifying glass; wave marks apparent under a magnifying glass; rays form a separate organization with. The new section has odor or very faint; structure fine; texture slightly oblique to the cross, the famous Amboyna tree package (tumor) pattern; air-dry density of 0.53 ~ 0.94 g/cm3. Such strains between the wood color and weight vary widely.

Indian rosewood, the color of its heartwood can be divided into two types, one is brown; the other is red; the material of different color is due to production area, due to different growing conditions.

(5) Large Fruit red sandalwood

large fruit sandalwood known as the \

Latin name: Pterocarpus macarocarpus Kur.

large fruit red sandalwood (PterocarpusmacarocarpusKurz) is mainly produced in Myanmar, Thailand and Laos.

trade name: Burmapadauk, pradeo, maydou. Reference price around 16,000 yuan / ton.

wood structure features: diffuse porous wood, semi-ring porous wood tend to clear. Growth ring is quite obvious. Heartwood orange, brick red or purple, often with dark stripes; scratches visible to the obvious; wood flooding fluid light brown, weak or no fluorescence. Pores were larger in the growth rings inside (but the proportion of total growth ring smaller than the other species), under the naked eye can see; chord to the diameter of the largest anal 269 m, an average of 1 27 pm; rarely to slightly less, 1 ~ 1 5 / mm2, often with yellow sediment. Axial parenchyma in the naked eye under clear, the main floor for the concentric tube type Near band / poly wing-shaped and thin line (width 1 to 4 cells). Wood fiber wall thickness. Rays can be seen under a magnifying glass; wave marks the magnifying glass clear or obvious & c.; rays form a separate organization with. Aroma; structure fine; texture staggered; air-dry density of 0.80 ~ 0.86 g/cm3.

(6) Cystic red sandalwood

cystic red sandalwood (PterocarpusmarsupiumRoxb.) is mainly produced in India.

trade name: bijasal, narra, padauk.

wood structure features: diffuse porous wood, semi-ring porous wood tend to clear. Growth ring is quite obvious. Heartwood yellowish or light yellow gold purple brown, often with dark stripes; scratch no; wood reddish-brown fluid flooding, have fluorescence. Pores within the growth rings were large (but smaller proportion of the share growth ring), visible under the naked eye; string to the maximum diameter of 344μm, an average of 1 74μm; number of small, 3 to 5 / mm2. Axial parenchyma in the naked eye under clear, the main type for the concentric layers and the thin line Pong Pipe Band (wide majority of 2 to 3 cells). Slightly thick wall of wood fiber, the maximum diameter of 20μm. Rays can be seen under a magnifying glass to significantly; wave marks the magnifying glass clear or obvious & c.; rays form a separate organization with the (more) and multi-column (column 2). No or very faint aroma; structure is fine, texture staggered; air-dry density of 0.75 ~ 0.80 g/cm3.

(7) Bird foot red sandalwood

foot rosewood birds known as the \

Latin name: Pterocarpus pedatus Pierre.

trade name maidu. Reference price around 14,000 yuan / ton.

birds foot red sandalwood (PterocarpuspedatusPierre.) is mainly produced in Southeast Asia and Indochina.

wood structure features: diffuse porous wood, semi-ring porous wood tend to clear. Growth ring is quite obvious. Heartwood reddish brown to purple-brown, often with dark stripes; scratch no; wood flooding fluid fluorescence significantly. Pores within the growth rings were large (but smaller proportion of the share growth ring), quite obviously, under the naked eye, including gum; string to the maximum diameter of 284μm, mean 143μm; rarely to slightly less, 2 ~ 11 / mm2. Axial parenchyma in the naked eye under clear, the main pipe for the concentric band-like layer-type Pong, poly wing-like and thin line (width 1 to 3 cells). Wood fiber wall thickness. Rays can be seen under a magnifying glass; wave marks is no different; rays form a separate organization with. Aroma; structure fine; texture staggered; air-dry density of 0.96-1.01 g/cm3.

Note: Asian pear that is not a single timber, but a general term for a class of timber. Pterocarpus timber is divided into three categories: red sandalwood, rosewood class, there is the Asian rosewood class. Red sandalwood and rosewood are Rosewood national standard class category, while the Asian pear is not.

Pterocarpus total of 30 kinds of wood, red sandalwood wood which only one, that is, sandalwood red sandalwood. There are seven categories rosewood timber. The seven types of wood are: Andaman and red sandalwood, red sandalwood hedgehog, the more Cambodian rosewood, Indian rosewood, birds foot red sandalwood, cystic red sandalwood, red sandalwood large fruit. Sub-class has more than 20 kinds of rosewood. This is more than 20 kinds of wood close to the nature and rosewood, but the density and so can not fully meet the national standard in regard to the required standard rosewood, which is called \Now the Chinese market, Asia emerged mainly African rosewood sandalwood, Angola purple good at two. Both wood pores larger diameter because the density was classified as a relatively small Asian rosewood in the market, some people call it \

The following are the two \

(1) African rosewood: Also known as \

primary origin: mainly produced in Nigeria, Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (DRC), Ghana, Gabon, Angola, Cameroon and other places.

structural characteristics of wood: The wood of tree height 15-30m, diameter 60-100cm, the heartwood was orange, brick red or purple, often with dark stripes, scratches can be seen; wood shavings or sawdust flooding fluid fluorescence aroma. African rosewood fine structure, texture staggered, wood shrinkage of small, medium-weight, basic density 0.55-0.67g/cm3.

(2) Angola Rosewood: Also known as the \

Main origin: Angola.

structural characteristics of wood: wood is light gray or yellow sapwood width of 3-5cm, heartwood wood color from brown to purple-brown, sometimes with dark stripes, with the obvious difference between sapwood. Angola sandalwood growth rings clearer, wood and shiny, with faint fragrance. The wood shrinkage of small, medium-weight, air dry density of about 0.64g/cm3.

currently on the market also saw the so-called \\

(3) Bubinga: the market is also known as the \

Latin name: Guibouritia.

English name: Bubinga.

Division are: hematoxylin subfamily

recent years as people appreciate the level and quality of life improvement, classical furniture began to become people's attention. Since last year, China's high-grade hardwood material prices shot up so that everyone dumbfounded.

2006 sandalwood red sandalwood market price in the second half is about 120,000 yuan per ton, to October 2007 shot up to 65.7 million yuan / ton. Brazil pear wood in a relatively similar price, high quality edge to become a new bright spot in the market.

Brazil pear with its beautiful texture, plate width and straight, hard wood suitable for carving, the more widely used in furniture. To do with the material such as a large cabinet or desk independent board, independent surface more deeply that people like it.

pear grown in tropical South America, Brazil, is a legume. If the ghosts of its wood with the surface of, similar to the pear, so called \The solid wood, colorful, texture, or hidden or are not static no noise, texture and mild, clear and beautiful, guitar halo circular pattern, such as money. After the string in the paint decorated surface or near the surface of wood rays obvious strings, string section wood ray markings are clear. Gives a quiet, soft feel. Room furniture and paper can do all devices.

the physical properties of wood: air-dry density of about 0.80-0.86g/cm3, wood with a gloss,easy indian recipes, no special smell and taste, texture oblique to the staggered structure thin and uniform. Timber weight, high strength. Few termites. structural characteristics of the wood

: diffuse porous wood. Obvious difference between heartwood and sapwood, yellowish brown to reddish-brown heartwood, sapwood white to pale yellow white. Growth rings indistinct. Pores under a magnifying glass clear, slightly smaller to medium alone, and a few short tracks out complex pores (24), the pore often with dark sediment, loose. Axial parenchyma under a magnifying glass clear, the main pipe for the waterfront, wing shape, wing-shaped and round circles poly shape. Wood-ray non-overlapping Health, under a magnifying glass clear, medium to slightly dense,south indian cooking, and even fine to just fine. Grain straight, often staggered, fine structure, uniform shrinkage of the great, good nail holding power, dry and slightly faster, easy to crack, warp. Evaluation pear better than Myanmar.

Recently, the raw material exporting country itself, protection of natural resources under international community pressure, limiting logging and exports. According to the United Nations reported that the material provides a large number of environmental funds to Madagascar, to subsidize the ban on logging policy, from early 2005 to implement the restrictions on timber exports Myanmar policy. July 2006 Laos has banned black wood red wood timber exports. In early 2006, Brazil made a log export ban policy on the export profile also made more stringent restrictions on the thickness of 10cm width 60cm. The introduction of export policy, has undoubtedly become more scarce wood Jingui.

the kind of wood as early as the early Republic of China have used classical furniture with it has been five or six years old. More important is the pear and Brazilian rosewood some properties similar to, but the price is relatively low, naturally became the new darling of some white-collar workers, those who favor more and more.

(4) merbau

Photo Description: At present, the Master found that the red skull of a face, is a major discovery, it is excellent work preserved ago about 6000-8000 years of history, grimace high 8.4 cm wide and 9.4 cm, so far unique in the world mountain, let the world see our 5000 years of Chinese culture

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