Saturday, July 31, 2010

Wow I Remember When

Hello everyone I'm new here and I commend you all on trying to ,Herbal cigarettesquit smoking. Its a bad habit we shouldn't have picked up in the first place. I've been smoke free for a whole year this Thanksgiving. I chose Thanksgiving because everyone is always giving thanks for stuff. I decided that I wanted to be able to give thanks to my health. This year I will be able to do it. I know longer crave cigs even if someone is smoking near me. I didn't use to be that way though. I use to feel like a wild animal ready to attack its prey to get teh cig . I live in Los Angeles,quit smoking now, Ca where it seems like everyone smokes. But I'm good now. Glad I don't smoke anymore because the cities are starting to put ban smoking in certain areas.

Yikes! I had a smoking dream!

Hi everybody...I haven't checked in in a while...but doing fine. Tomorrow is my One Month Anniversary!!! Yay!! This dream I had was SO REAL!!! I was sitting around,quit smoking, half-way through a cigarette,quit smoking now, when I suddenly realized what I was doing. I was horrified and quickly snuffed it out and went to the garbage to hide all evidence of my sin. Then I noticed there were ashtrays with butts in them all over the place, and I knew they were mine! I woke up feeling absolutely dreadful.....and was SO RELIEVED a moment later when I realized that it was only a dream. Interesting that I'm actually thinking about cigs much much less now than I was at first. But obviously the demon is still alive and well in my subconscious.bogie

Friday, July 30, 2010

the 21st hour

oh, its been on h*** of a day 1. with absolutely no support from the other half, every thought i have had today has been about that nasty c word. i have been told by him at least 5 times that i "wont be able to do it". the only thing keeping me from lighting up it that i am 3 hours away from the end of DAY 1,stop smoking, (woooohoooo!!!!!) & i am extremely proud of that! no matter what kind of support i have or do not have, from him,Herbal cigarettes, i am supporting myself through my quit, because i deserve it & i cant believe i have been smoke free for almost a full 24 hours congratulations to me!!! ( & all of our other july 1 quits)thanks to everyone for all your supportive words today.

Things I've Learned About Myself and My Quit

I'm an old but goody as my hubby says. I remember Bill Hailey and the Comets,stop smoking, nuke drills, hula hoops, hop scotch and double dutch, black and white tv,stop smoking now, and the first ever televised Miss America pageant. I thought I knew myself well but found out there were somethings about myself that were deeply hidden.I found that I could resolve to keep this quit and be with a chain smoker for a full day and night and never desire a smoke. But let me be alone and the craving is so strong that I have to fight myself not to buy a pack. It's like I'm either telling myself, you can't have a smoke in front of someone else but you can sneak one when no one will know about it. Yeah, Right! I would know about it and that is the only person that counts in this quit. So I learned that I was stronger and more resolute than I thought I was.I found that withdrawal from nicotine is not as bad as I thought but the emotional and physical withdrawal from the act of smoking is a b*tch. I found that thhe emotional and physical need is what a crave really is and not the need for the nicotine in your system. It is the desire to revert back to what you have always considered the norm.I've found sleeping deeper and more restful; food tastes are changing and not always for the better; smell is returning and and skin is clearing and teeth are whitening.Amazing what a QUIT does, isn't it.

The 3 month bug-

Why does the 3 month mark seem to be such a common time for people to either feel worse, go back to smoking, have the strongest cravings, etc. Of all the 'quitting' articles I've read, there are many that tell you what happens to your body in time.. 72 hours, 2 weeks, 1 year, etc.. but I never see anything mentioned about hitting 3 months, yet that seems to be such a common factor in everyone (at least here among this board). I'm only at 2 weeks today (14 days, woohoo!) and have no desire to ever return,quit smoking, and whatever "happens" at 3 months will not scare me,quit smoking now, I'm just kind of curious what I might have ahead of me. I try to be prepared for things

The big hill and what's all this about cilia-

Every morning on my commute to work I have to walk up this steep hill. In the past I dreaded it...straining my entire body to get up. When I'd reach the top, my heart was pounding way too fast, my lungs were literally gasping for air,quit smoking, and I'd smoke a cigarette. I am not joking. What kind of weird self abuse is that? Anyway, now when I "take" that hill,stop smoking now, I am thinking about how much better I feel during the trip and when I get to the top. Rather than an ordeal, it has become a small triumph that gets more rewarding every day. It's becoming a metaphor!!Now to switch topics. I read a post last week from a guy wearing fatiques...or at least that's what the little picture showed. It was titled something like "I just got owned" and it was all about the physical results of cilia growing back. I looked for it but couldn't find it again. I've read about that a bit but didn't know that later in your quit you could experience tightness in your chest, etc. as a result of this. Where can I find more information? I still feel these symptoms from time to time and would like to understand better what's happening to my body.Thanks in advance for replies. I am very grateful to be able to come here right now and get help getting through!

SOS! (2)

WTF? Is there a full moon today?!?I am NOT myself all. I have nearly convinced myself to go buy a pack of cigarettes. I've nearly convinced myself that this is just "not my time" to quit. I really can't say what my problem is,quit smoking now, but I'm really pretty much thinking I'm going to give up on this quit. I'm sorry. I can't even give a good reason.....I'm just not into it at all today and, quite frankly,smoking cessation, don't give a sh*t.I know..that's so lame...and I really don't know where this is coming from.

Recovery Timetable (2)

Quitting Health Benefits Time Table Started by: Zep - Gold Sent: 3/21/2001 2:49 PM Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking 20 MINUTES Blood pressure, pulse rate, and body temperature of hands and feet return to normal.8 HOURS Oxygen and Carbon monoxide level in blood return to normal. 24 HOURS Chance of heart attack decreases. 48 HOURS Nerve endings start regrowing and the ability to smell and taste is enhanced. 72 HOURS The entire body becomes 100% nicotine free and withdrawal symptoms peak in intensity.10 DAYS TO 2 WEEKS The body fully adjusts to the absence of nicotine and physical withdrawal ends.3 WEEKS TO 3 MONTHS Circulation improves,smoking cessation, walking becomes easier,quit smoking, and lung function increases by almost 1/3rd.Psychological crave trigger reconditioning continues and the first day of full comfort arrives.1 TO 9 MONTHS Coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath decrease. Cilia regrow in lungs, increasing ability to handle mucus, clean the lungs, and reduce infection. Body's overall energy increases. 1 YEAR Excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker. 5 YEARS Lung cancer death rate for average smoker (one pack a day) decreases by almost half. Stroke risk is reduced to that of a nonsmoker 5-15 years after quitting. Risk of cancer of the mouth, throat and esophagus is half that of a smoker's. 10 YEARS Lung cancer death rate similar to that of nonsmokers. Precancerous cells are replaced. Risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney and pancreas decreases. 15 YEARS Risk of coronary heart disease is that of a person who has never smoked. Overall risk of death returns nearly to that of a person who never smoked.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

SRG- For Sean - Prayers and Support Needed

Hi guysKim and I have been chatting with Sean this evening. His wife had a seizure this morning and is in the hospital. I thought I would pass the word here. She is undergoing some blood work,smoking cessation, a transfusion tonight. She was lucid, alert and talking when he left the hospital this evening and they are both hanging tough and doing what they are supposed to. He was home when it happened. This has not happened before,quit smoking, she is not epileptic or has not been to this point. He is pretty wiped as of the time of this writing and has been up since 3 am, he was pretty numb from the repetition of telling the same story to different people over and over. They do this for a reason I suppose, maybe so that someone will possibly pick up something different than the previous interviewer did while aksing him questions. He does not know when he is going back to the hospital, and is making some calls.There is nobody with him so we could only chat and pray. Just letting folks know, this is bad but could have been worse. Prayers and support headed your way bro.Hang tough and keep us informed when you can please!markus

Ralph's previous posts

I remember Ralph's main point about smoking,smoking cessation, that it is not a physical drug (nicotine) addiction,Herbal cigarettes, it is a psychological (habitual) addiction.Someone asked him how much the cigarette industry was paying him to say that.If a smoker has been convinced that he is a smoker because he is addicted to nicotine, it will give him the perfect scapegoat to remain a smoker, blame the cigarette industry and find it more diffficult to quit.If believing that makes it more difficult to quit, the cigarette industry WANTS HIM TO BELIEVE IT.They don't care why you THINK you smoke. Just keep smoking. They get sued, raise the price and still make a profit.There is also the people who sell nicotine replacement products. If people didn't believe they smoked because of nicotine addiction, they wouldn't have any customers.Ralph said that anyone who convinced smokers they were nicotine addicts is helping to fill the pockets of the cigarette manufacturers, and I have to agree with that.

Sometimes I forget I don't smoke...

Especially in the mornings when I'm still a little groggy. I'll roll out of bed,Herbal cigarettes, sit down on the couch and feel around for my pack. Then I think "Huh... where's my ashtray?? Oh YEAH!! I don't smoke any more..." I did that in the car on the way home from work yesterday. I got in... reached in my purse for my pack. Then I though "Duh, I don't have any... I quit." Then I buckle my seatbelt and my hand mindless goes back to my purse. I stop myself... say "DUDE! You don't smoke!" Then I start the car,smoking cessation, turn the radio up and reach over again. I wasn't thinking when I'd reach over to my purse but I've reached over to dig smokes out of my bag every day for the past 15 years (that's roughly 5475 times!) I don't even think about it anymore... I just grab. It's a little sad at first because I've done really good with distracting myself and not dwelling on the feeling of loss. Then when I catch myself trying to find a cigg and remembering that I don't smoke anymore... I feel I get a little bummed out. BUT... my mind gets bummed out.. my lungs and heart grin and whoop with joy!


My boyfriend is pressuring me to quit smoking,smoking cessation, basically its either him or the cigarettes. I've been friends with the guy for a year or so, been smoking for two. He knew I was a smoker, I never tried to hide it. But, one of his requirements for a relationship with me was that I quit smoking, because he doesn't date smokers. I told him I'd quit, put it off, smoked and felt guilty. Now he is upset because I haven't quit, and he gave me an ultimatum. I don't want to lose him, but I don't feel mentally ready to quit. I don't want to be pressured into this, because that will get me nowhere.And... there's another part. He doesn't believe that the mental addiction to cigarettes is just as powerful as the physical one. He thinks I'm overreacting, and that i should just "get over it." I told him I was scared to quit, and didn't know if I felt mentally ready, and he basically laughed at me and told me I was being a drama queen. He thinks willpower is enough... that once I ride out the withdrawal, I will never smoke or want to smoke again.I don't know what to do. I am emotionally frustrated and tired and angry. I'm really resenting this and him,Herbal cigarettes, and I don't want to.

Ralphs words remind me

I remember when my dream was ,to be able to quit read that again "ABLE to quit "well I was alwyas able, I just had not found the way, the will the toolswhat my dream really was I suppose was to be able to quit without the trouble,smoking cessation, the wanting to smoke the learning how to be me without my addiction.. I wanted to wake up and "JUST NOT WANT TO SMOKE" well after stops and starts a few fits I was ABLE to quit,, I was able to dig deep, and far, to look at the TRUTH of what was happening or even more importantly the truth of what my destiny would most likely be, I could see that I had compromised my very being not just my body and being ABLE to quit meant DOING the work,, however laborious, tediuos,Herbal cigarettes, monotonousand so I had a dream and now I live itoh and in the original dream I just wanted to get thru my life not smoking, it never ever occurred to me a day would come when I didnt care if I smoked, that I hadnt a desire to smoke, I didnt need to fight with myself so I wouldnt smoke. Now thats better than my dream cause thats 'The Miracle' look up ahead , its waiting for you. now Ralph.. my muse...Daily MotivatorJuly 26, 2006Someone had a dreamThe car you drive was designed and built because someone had a dream. The highway on which you travel is there because someone had a dream. The telephone you talk on and the worldwide network to which it is connected, was constructed because someone had a dream. Achievement begins with a dream.Yet there are many, many dreams which wither and die without ever coming to pass. We will never know the benefits which they could have brought. Great accomplishments come about not only because someone dreamed of them, but also because someone believed in the dream enough to walk the long, hard road of making that dream a reality.It takes a dream. And then it takes more than a dream. What is yours? And what are you doing about it? Stop and think for a moment about all the great things that have ever been achieved. Someone had a dream. Someone just like you. The world is filled with possibilities today. Take your pick, and then make it happen.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

quitting and working out

New to Board so please forgive if this is a common questions - i searched FAQs and couldn't find any info....i haven't had a cigarette in ONE month (cheers!), age 26, not really overweight and have no health problems to date, was a fairly light smoker in the past year (about a pack a week but heavier habit prior), work out 4 or 5 times a week - focusing on cardio. about two weeks after i quit completely,Herbal cigarettes, i started having chest tightness/pressure, rapid heart beat,stop smoking, shallow breathing - first time it happened was at the gym during a workout. (has happened since then both while working out and while not but more often while working out).is this normal? i have been to doctors and they have performed tests and taken blood - no abnormal results. is this something "they" don't tell you about quitting or should i pursue more medical help? opinions please??

Question I dont feel like googling...

"They say that nicotine takes 72 hours to get out of your system, but what about all the other chemicals?"I found this question while searching through super old threads on here,quit smoking, does anyone know the answer. I know I will get bombarded with propaganda and spam sites if I google it lol Also,quit smoking now, does anyone know a way to detox during a quit, other than just water, which Im having at least 125oz of daily. I heard something about acidity or citrus fruits, will sucking on lemons help? Ive been eating clementines like there is no tomorrow.

Not so sure anymore

Today at 9:30 PM I completed day 5 ... things seem to be getting more and more tough ... I honestly thought that it would start to get easier. I don't know how much more I can take of this. My poor husband ... he is being all supportive and all I seem to do is snap at him. EVERYTHING bothers me. The evening is the roughest time for me ... I do not seem to have a problem while I am at work.I really would like to do this cold turkey, but now I am thinking that perhaps I need to go to the Dr. and get that Chantix stuff. I really do miss smoking though ... more than I thought I would. I am soooo confused!

planning to quit on Monday

Hi all,Well done to all of you on quitting smoking! From what I read (and hope to soon experience) it is one of the toughest but best things you can do in your life.I've been trying to quit for years but recently it is on my mind more and more and I have been viewing these quit boards quite frequently so I figure I am nearly ready. I know that to be successfull you need to have the right mind set and also recognize your triggers so I hope this next quit will be better because I have done it so many times now that I reckon I know the triggers! Actually the habit thing is not so bad it is the emotional/depressive reaction that gets me back on every time! That is a harder one but some of your posts have addressed that and given really good suggestions.I am glad to find this board as it seems really friendly and supportive and is active too. Some boards are very quiet.Nice to see a fellow Ozzie here Cutie!Thanks for a great board and for making me feel more positive about my venture on Monday.Amanda

My Cigarette My Friend_20712

Seems like its Been Awhile, since this noble oh so true article has been posted.I offer it in particular to lurkers and newbies alike. My Cigarette, My Friend?"by Joel Spitzer How do you feel about a friend who has to go everywhere with you? Not only does he tag along all the time, but since he is so offensive and vulgar, you become unwelcome when with him. He has a peculiar odor that sticks to you wherever you go. Others think both of you stink. He controls you totally. When he says jump,stop smoking, you jump. Sometimes in the middle of a blizzard or storm, he wants you to come to the store and pick him up. You would give your spouse hell if he or she did that to you all the time, but you can't argue with your friend. Sometimes, when you are out at a movie or play he says he wants you to go stand in the lobby with him and miss important scenes. Since he calls all the shots in your life, you go. Your friend doesn't like your choice of clothing either. Instead of politely telling you that you have lousy taste, he burns little holes in these items so you will want to throw them out. Sometimes, he tires of the furniture and gets rid of it too. Occasionally, he gets really nasty and decides the whole house must go. He gets pretty expensive to support. Not only is his knack of property destruction costly, but you must pay to keep him with you. In fact, he will cost you thousands of dollars over your lifetime. And you can count on one thing, he will never pay you a penny in return. Often at picnics you watch others playing vigorous activities and having lots of fun doing them. But your friend won't let you. He doesn't believe in physical activity. In his opinion, you are too old to have that kind of fun. So he kind of sits on your chest and makes it difficult for you to breathe. Now you don't want to go off and play with other people when you can't breathe, do you? Your friend does not believe in being healthy. He is really repulsed by the thought of you living a long and productive life. So every chance he gets he makes you sick. He helps you catch colds and flu. Not just by running out in the middle of the lousy weather to pick him up at the store. He is more creative than that. He carries thousands of poisons with him which he constantly blows in your face. When you inhale some of them, they wipe out cilia in your lungs which would have helped you prevent these diseases. But colds and flu are just his form of child's play. He especially likes diseases that slowly cripple you―like emphysema. He considers this disease great. Once he gets you to have this, you will give up all your other friends,stop smoking now, family, career goals, activities―everything. You will just sit home and caress him, telling him what a great friend he is while you desperately gasp for air. But eventually your friend tires of you. He decides he no longer wishes to have your company. Instead of letting you go your separate ways, he decides to kill you. He has a wonderful arsenal of weapons behind him. In fact, he has been plotting your death since the day you met him. He picked all the top killers in society and did everything in his power to ensure you would get one of them. He overworked your heart and lungs. He clogged up the arteries to your heart, brain, and every other part of your body. In case you were too strong to succumb to this, he constantly exposed you to cancer causing agents. He knew he would get you sooner or later. Well, this is the story of your "friend," your cigarette. No real friend would do all this to you. Cigarettes are the worst possible enemies you ever had. They are expensive, addictive, socially unacceptable, and deadly. Consider all this and NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF!

My Shopping List for my Quit!

Hi guys,Herbal cigarettes,OK, so I have three days left and I braved the blizzard tonight and took a walk to pick up a few things that I'm hoping will help me with my quit. Since I'm going cold turkey, I figured I can use all the "crutches" I can get.I'd like to share them with you guys:-"Smoker's Cleanse": they're capsules you take to a) cleanse your lungs, b) control cravings and c) relieve stress. They're a holistic thing, all natural. Anyone familiar with them?-Tea tree chewing sticks (fancy toothpicks, hehe)- Detox tea: aniseed, fennel and licorice- Aromatherapy ginger bath called "Letting Go", hehe.AND... hahaha,stop smoking now, Crest Whitestrips! They're pretty expensive but I want to start using them the first day, so I can be whitening my teeth while I purge my body of nicotine. Also, if I relapse, it'll be a shame because I will have wasted the money on the whitestrips... just another incentive to NTAP, right? Heh...In two days I'll go get the grocery parts of it. Just wanted to share.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My future as a non-smoker

I'll try to keep this as short as possible:So I was smoke-free for 15 days, had a slip up, and I'm back on track again. I'm on day 3 of my quit,stop smoking, and it's going extremely well. I learned a lot from my relapse: that cigarettes do nothing for me and taste awful. I've also learned that lollypops help me out a great deal. I've said it on the board before, and I believe that the candy + the psychological aspect of bringing something up to your mouth and taking it out again helps tremendously. I haven't had any cravings aside from one inspired by anger since I saw my Ex girlfriend yesterday. I wanted to smoke briefly, but I reassured myself that I obviously didn't want to smoke, and got over it.The problem is my surrounding (this will sound completely backwards, but it's the truth). At college,smoking cessation, for some reason, I can resist smoking because my friends here don't smoke. When I'm at home, I'm much more tempted to smoke because my brother and home friends all smoke. Also, in the convenience of my home, I don't care how I smell because my friends aren't around me (truth, don't judge ). I'm worried about the summer. The summer will be warm, and it will be extremely easy for me to fall back into my home habbits of smoking constantly and hanging out inside. Now it might not be that hard to smoke, but what about when I get back to that setting where it will be so damn convenient? It would ruin everything I've been working for, I know. But still, it seems so realistic to me that I would start again just because of how easy it would be and how convenient it would be. What would I do then?By the way, I bought a box of Nicorette from CVS the other day. I haven't had any yet, because I haven't had any serious cravings. I'm hoping that I wont have to use it, but what if I do? Let's say on day 7 of my quit, I get my first serious craving. Should I try a piece of the gum? Or would that be considered a set back? I'm PISSED, that gum cost me $50 and I'm realizing that I (hopefully) wont need it. Better have it then not .

may all my quit buddies have a very merry christmas!!!!

hi all,Herbal cigarettes, yes Im still alive lol,quit smoking now, been busy with work and family, I just wanted to wish you all a very merry christmas and a happy healthy new years!!!!!!!!!!!! and yes at 600pm on xmas day will be my 35 month quit anny!!!! yessssssssssssssss and I have all of you to thank, thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me the support that my own family didnt, i appreciate it loads!!!! thans for being my friends and giving me my life back!!!!! love you all, and hope santa is good to u all!!! love jenelle

little Dark Room - This is long. It helped me.

This is LONG but I read it so often to remind myself of my addiction and how it can be won.OK after going through a complete waking nightmare yesterday and today I am on the other side of the fire and (somehow) did not give in. I wrote this story tonight for everyone here, please enjoy and be strong. ------- The Small Dark Room (a horror story) Once, my existence was confined to a small, dark room. In the room was a button. When I pressed the button the room was filled with light. It was a warm, sunny light, which filled every crevice of the room with its brilliance. The light made me happy, and made me feel safe. The problem was, after a few minutes, the light would begin to fade. Soon the room would be completely dark again and I would have to press the button again. My life consisted of always getting to that button when the darkness began to fall. The darkness was scary. It was tiring getting to that button hour after hour. And in this life, it was always, always night.I heard people say that if you could endure one night in the dark, without pushing that button, you could experience Day. In Day, the button would not be needed. It would always be light, and there would be no dark to be afraid of. People said that when it was Day, you could actually leave the room. The button was still there, but you would not be reliant on it anymore. I remembered my life before the button, and looked at my friends who lived in the Day. And I knew that was what I wanted, more than anything. I hated it always being night; even though I had my button to light the world it was still depressing living from brightness to darkness, never being free, and never seeing the sun. And so one day I decided to stop pushing the button, to try and be free.At first, the darkness was a little uncomfortable. I could not see a thing, but then again the light had only been out for a short while. I knew what was in the room, no monsters there, right? Just the dark. But then, as the night progressed, scary things began to happen. I heard strange noises in the dark. Sometimes ghosts and apparitions would appear to me. And each time, no matter how much I wanted to be brave, something scared me so bad that I would reach for that button again. I never made it for more than a few hours in the dark. I would run screaming for the button, and give it a good smack. Thank God!!! The light would be warmer and more lovely than it had ever been. But then, as always, the light would begin to fade. And I would realize to my horror that it was midnight again. And I was even more afraid of the encroaching dark than ever.One day I heard of a group of people who had made it through to Day. I wanted to get out of my terrible night, and so I asked them how they made it to dawn, and then to sunrise and Day. And they told me some secrets. They told me how to deal with the ghosts who would appear in the dark, how the room would change and how all sorts of horrible things would happen. They warned me that it would be worse than a nightmare at times, but that I could do it. Best of all, they said they would help me make it through the night. This is the story of how it happened, one minute at a time.11:59 pm. I push the button for the Very Last Time. I am very afraid…..12:00 midnight. The room is dark. Not so bad. I can do this.12:15 am Hearing scary noises. Scared, but I'm ready for this. I can do it.12:30 am A man appears out of nowhere."Push the button!!!!" he screams. "Aren't you afraid of the monsters? Aren't you scared of the demons? Push the button! It will be light again!!!! Just do it!!!!". He is scaring me.I look at him fiercely. He goes away. He comes back many times during the night.1:00 am The floor has turned to snakes. I am horrified. I can hear them slithering around. I want to turn on the light. I need to see them. I need them to go away. I ask my friends and they say this is normal, that it will get better.1:30 am I can hear moans in the dark. The snakes are still here. I think this room is haunted. I am so scared of the dark. I want to push the button so the light will make the ghosts go away. I keep telling myself I am headed towards the dawn.1:45 am Something cold and dead brushes my face. I scream. I reach for the button. My friends tell me I'm doing a great job. They tell me the noises are just phantom noises. They tell me to think of the coming dawn. The snakes are still around my legs. I think the floor is getting wet and sticky, I can't tell. The noises are getting stranger. I am shivering with fear and revulsion.2:00 am If it weren't for my friends I would have gone insane or hit the button hours ago. I begin to think that that the floor is wet and sticky with the blood of people who have killed themselves in here. My friends tell me it's just my own sweat. I know that if I hit the button it will all go away. The noises are unbearable. My only comfort is knowing I have made it this far. I tell myself I can make it a little longer. I break down in tears from exhaustion.2:15 am It's getting a little better now. The dark is still filled with bizarre monsters and strange sounds.2:30 am I look out the window to see if the sun is coming up yet. It is still pitch dark. I cannot see a thing.2:45 am The scariest part of night. I sense that I am surrounded by ghouls. I am trying to be strong even though I am beside myself with fright.Suddenly a woman appears in the room. She is holding a candle. She looks like a very competent lawyer or something, and looks very kind. I am so relieved to see her, and I invite her to sit down. She explains that she has contacted the owners of the room and that they have agreed to make an exception for me. Since I am experiencing so much fear, they will let me push the button once without setting the clock back to midnight (right back where I started). She said that they have been watching me, and since I've been so brave, they will allow me a little bit of light to "get me through the night"."I thought that once I hit the button, I go right back to where I started no mater what", I say."No, no, we have made a special exception in your case," she says, smiling. She looks so caring and professional. I begin to believe her. She seems completely trustworthy.I look over the contract she has brought. It all looks very legal and above-board. I get to push the button once, and the clock is not set back to midnight. It sounds extremely sensible. I am listening to the noises in the dark. There is a big bump from the darkest corner."What was that?" I say."That was a ghoul," she says pleasantly. "It will rip your throat out and kill you if it gets you. So not to rush things, but perhaps you want to sign the contract right NOW…".I look into her eyes. I want to believe her. I reach for the pen. And then I see behind her smile, this evil green glimmer. And I smell death on her clothes. With horror, I realize that she has been sent by the Nicodemon. She is pure evil. She leans in closer, and hands me the pen.I pull back. "Get away!" I scream. "Get out of here at once!!!!"."Oh no, sweetie" she says in her pleasant voice of death. "You asked me to sit down. You read my contract. I'm going to stay a while". I know she is in league with the Demon but I can't seem to move or scream. I am transfixed with her voice, her glinting eyes, her tempting smile. "Why don't we sit and chat awhile my dear?" she smiles sweetly. It seems like two hours pass. I cannot move. I have never been so scared. Crazily, I still think about signing the contract she is holding. I think of how hitting the button would make her go away.Finally I summon all of my strength, and with great effort I am able to make myself realize that she is evil and full of lies. Finally, when I admit this to myself, she stands up to leave . "I'll be back for you!!!!!!" she shrieks as she leaves. I smell her horrible stench after she goes and I want to vomit.I am shaking with the effort and terrified, but I realize I have won a battle. I am slightly proud.3:00 am Still afraid but hanging in there. Telling myself I've made it this far. Trying to ignore the snakes and ghouls. When I ignore them they are not so bad.3:15 am The man keeps coming back. He is not as scary anymore.4:00 am I think I can finally see the dawn rising in the far distance. I am completely exhausted. But I think , this is it! I have made it to Day! I am very excited.4:15 am A little old lady appears. She is very sweet looking and gentle. "Hi honey!" she says."Hi there" I say, glad for some company."Rough night, huh?" she says."I'll say", I agree. I feel relaxed, relieved, happy, so proud of myself."And you've done such a great job," she says. I thank her for the compliment. "Such a great job, " she says, "that you deserve to hit that button one more time. Just to see it once before it's gone. It was such a lovely light wasn't it?" she says sweetly."It was a lovely light," I say. I look fondly at the button, and then look outside to the greying sky, which is filling with a dirty pale light. I think of my brilliant warm light and how it used to cheer me up instantly."You do deserve it," she says.We chat for some time about what a great job I've done getting through the night. She is a very sweet and understanding lady. We stroll around the room for a while, and then I look down. When I do, I realize my hand is on the button. I look into the nice lady's eyes, and suddenly I see the glint of evil green grinning back at me. "Why don't you push the button now?" she growls, in a voice that sounds like the grave."AARGH!" I yell. I jerk my hand off the button. The lady vanishes in a puff of noxious fumes. But her words were powerful poison and it is a while before I can walk away from the button. I am terrified by the close call.4:15 am It's getting brighter now.5:00 am Things are going OK. I have survived a few more close calls. The old lady came back, and so did the lawyer lady, but I fought them off. The snakes and ghouls I realize were only in my head. Things are looking normal. I can see again!6:00 am Sunrise! I never thought I would see it. It's only a matter of time before I get to see the Day. I realize I will never need my horrible button again. I am so relieved I could just cry. I am full of gratitude and thanks. I am so proud of myself, so humble. I've come so far.And then I hear the voice. It is icy cold and gravelly, and sounds like a thousand monsters whispering together. It comes from everywhere and nowhere, it echoes through my brain."There are monsters everywhere, my friend," it says. "There are monsters which can attack you in the grey light of dawn, monsters under the bed at sunrise, and monsters which will haunt you invisibly during the Day. These monsters can only be conquered by pressing that magic button. Did you think that daylight would protect you? Oh no. Never forget that the monsters are ALL AROUND, my friend. And the button is the only thing that will keep them away FOREVER. So watch out where you step, and listen whererever you go…".I am chilled. I am terrified. I look to make sure the button is not far away. It is still there, and I am slightly comforted by this. The sunrise is not as safe as it seemed.6:15 am I look around for day-monsters. Sometimes I can see them lurking under the bed. I had no idea that I would be afraid after sunrise. I miss my brilliant warm light. Just waiting for Day to come.7:00 am. Sun keeps rising. Doing much better now. Monsters are less frightening. Really beginning to feal positive.7:15 am Getting very bright. Feeling great. Knock at the door. It's the neighbor."Hey lady," he says. "Howya doing in here? Listen, I dropped off because I noticed your light wasn't on. I just wanted to let you know that if you push that button over there, you can see a whole lot better!""Yeah I know", I say, "but when you push the button, it stays night. The longer I leave it off, the brighter it gets, and eventually it'll be as bright as Day.""Well, I hate to tell you this," he says, "but you know, it never really gets as bright in the Daytime as that light was. I mean, I tried that whole Day thing and it ain't what it's cracked up to be. Sure, the light gets kind of bright during the Day, but then there are cloudy days, and whatnot. And you can never really read a book with the same amount of clarity as you get with that button"."Really?" I say. "I did not know this. Because you know, I am a big reader"."Oh, yeah, that Day light, it's never the same! You can't read by Day light!!! Not the way you can with this baby you got right here. I tell you what -�if you want, I can jimmy this light so that it doesn't get dark at all! That way, it'll be on all the time, and you'll NEVER know it's night outside. What do you think?""You can do that?" I say. "I mean, I tried that before. I tried a LOT of different things to make it not seem so bad. But I still knew it was night. That light still kept going out.""No, no, no -- that was last time. I guarantee you I can fix it so that you will never feel scared that it's night, and that light will always be on. Believe me, it beats the hell out of Day. I promise you. I mean look at this crappy light", he said, jerking his thumb towards the weak sunrise."Well, OK" I said. "What do I have to do?""Just push the button once, so I can get it going, then you'll be all set," he said. "And if you don't like it, you can always try this Day thing another time, right?" He grinned pleasantly, and gave me a friendly wink.I looked him over to size him up. He was really a good-looking guy, so friendly and polite. It was obvious he knew what he was talking about, and he had a very honest face. Perhaps, I thought, my friends were wrong about this Day thing? I mean, here was a guy who could just rig up my button to fix it up just like that. And it sounded like he knew from experience that the button light was better and brighter than Day. Plus he had promised that it would work. Why would this guy lie to me?He was still standing there, smiling at me."OK" I said, "What the heck". And I reached to shake his hand."Excellent" he grinned. But as he smiled I got a glimpse of what was between his lips, and saw that his mouth was full of maggots. Suddenly I realized that he reeked of rotting corpses and death, and when I touched his hand, it felt like cold icy death. I looked into his eyes and saw that I was staring face-to-face with none other than the NicoDemon."Nicodemon!!!" I shrieked."Yes, my dear" he growled, and as he grinned at me, moving his face closer to mine,stop smoking, his breath smelled like ashes and cancer. "Just push that button and I'll fix that little button for you RIGHT AWAY". The maggots were still spilling out of his mouth, and to my horror I realized that his body was made up of decaying flesh. Every surface of his body was covered with sores, and from the sores leaked pus and phlegm. I looked down and saw that I was still clutching his rotting, deadened hand."Argh!" I yelled. "You are a LIAR!!!!!! That stuff is not true! What you say is never true!!! You can't fix that button! If I push it I'll be back in the night! The button will not make the monsters go away! It never did! All it did was keep me in eternal night!!!!! NOW GO AWAY AND GET OUT OF HERE!!!!!! YOU BASTARD!!!!!"And I kicked him right in the balls."AAAAAUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!" shrieked the NicoDemon. With a cloud of poisonous fumes and toxic gases he began to melt into a puddle of phlegm, until nothing was left of him except a small pile of ash."Ha". I said. I swept up the ash and put it outside. I had won this battle,quit smoking, and I deserved to be proud. I had outwitted the most clever villain of all. And I had done it all by myself (with a little help from my friends).But I knew he would be back.EpilogueSometime Around High NoonWell the sun has finally come up and it's Day. It's everything my friends promised it would be. The sun is out, the birds are singing, and it's simply glorious. Eventually, I even walked out of that small dark room, and left the button behind.The best part about it is, the sun never goes down here. It just stays high noon all day long, and the sun is shining almost all the time. My friends are here with me, and we never have to go back into that horible night.The Demon came back a few more times, in a few more disguises. He almost fooled me that night that I went through the dark, and he might fool me again. But I've got my friends behind me and they tell me about the different tricks he likes to use. He is a crafty, conniving, horrible, evil spirit, and I know that he will always do everything in his power to try and get me back.But I will be ready, and waiting. And God willing, I'll keep outwitting that son-of-a-bitch.THE END.

Made it to day 3....whew!_12763

Last night I faced work for the first time since I quit Sunday. I work shiftwork,quit smoking, and this week my shift is on evenings. This means the bosses aren't there and most of my crew takes extra individual smoke breaks a couple of times a night. They have to walk right by me to get to the outside smoking area, and every single person on my shift smokes.All night,stop smoking, every ten minutes or so, a different person would walk by with the smell of freshly smoked cigs on them! At first, it smelled bad, but eventually it started to kick in cravings. These were the first real cravings I've had since Quitting.I came prepared with a giant bag of jawbreakers near me at all times, and I took a crossword book and sat in my work area during break times. I made it fairly unscathed except for my poor mouth! If any of you know of a candy thats easier on the mouth than jawbreakers, but lasts longer than 30 seconds, let me know!As bad as last night was, today I feel much better and excited again about Quitting. Last night was pretty horrible, but I'm guessing they will get easier as time go by. Regardless, I need a new game plan tonight!Wish me well!

My Husband's Grandmother

She smoked for probably 40 years. 10 years ago, she was diagnosed with emphazema(sp?) and was forced to quit. She hasn't had a smoke in over 10 years now. She came to visit a couple of months ago and had a horrible cough. This week,stop smoking now, we found out she was in the hospital with lung cancer. I couldn't believe it, after all this time, and she still gets lung cancer. They also found skin cancer on her ear.She is going to do the chemo, but she's well over 80, pushing 90, and much frailer than she thinks. The family is torn up over it and it's hard to console them. My uncle had cancer and died within a year of starting treatment. My son's father had cancer and died within a year of treatment. My next door neighbor's precious 4 year old had cancer, and died within a year of treatment. A very good friend of mine, an elderly lady and grandmother figure to me had cancer,Herbal cigarettes, and died within a year of threatment.It seems to an endless cycle and few people ever make it.Take care of your quit people........I know I am even more determined now to KTQ!!

may all my quit buddies have a very merry christmas!!!!

hi all,quit smoking, yes Im still alive lol, been busy with work and family, I just wanted to wish you all a very merry christmas and a happy healthy new years!!!!!!!!!!!! and yes at 600pm on xmas day will be my 35 month quit anny!!!! yessssssssssssssss and I have all of you to thank, thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me the support that my own family didnt, i appreciate it loads!!!! thans for being my friends and giving me my life back!!!!! love you all,stop smoking, and hope santa is good to u all!!! love jenelle

Junkie thinking-.......Think again

Here is a repost of a repost that I kept, as it really hits home.............LouDub posts regarding: Some Smoking thoughts from a veteran quitter (A very long post) To cease smoking is the easiest thing I ever did. I ought to know because I've done it a thousand times. – Mark Twain Like Mark Twain I am an eternal quitter, this fact alone attests to the truth that smoking is a strong chemical addiction, and quitting has a high failure rate. The difference between Mark and me is that even though I am smoking now I don’t want to be a smoker any more. I accept that smoking gives me some pleasure but I know the pleasure is only a chemical reaction to a hole being filled by nicotine, a hole that was originally dug by nicotine and one which will never be filled no matter how many cigarettes I smoke. For all of you struggling with your quit as I have in the past, here is a bulletin from someone currently smoking as to why I wouldn’t bother starting again if I were you. The first second you inhale that first cigarette when you have decided to abandon your quit (and it is a decision, even if it is under duress), you will feel a heady cocktail of negative emotions, shame, disappointment, self loathing, and a dirty sort of guilty pleasure. The first cigarette will not deliver the relief you thought it would and will burn down so quickly that you will immediately want another to see if it will give you the relief. Really its just your body building up its supply of nicotine, giving you nothing in return except guilt, smelly breath and headaches. You promise yourself that you will only have a couple but before the evening is out you have gone through 10 and that was by being really frugal and watching the clock to see if your next one was due yet. No pleasure anymore because now you are rationing and you can remember what it was like after a couple of weeks into your quit when hours would go by without you wanting one, but here you are back again craving. You begin by smoking on the sly, walks on your own, or hiding out in the backyard thinking that you will stop again soon that this is just a blip. Soon, very soon, you start telling people that you caved in and that you are only having ‘a few’ until you quit again, but of course you are lying, you are smoking much more than that and the more you smoke the less likely and the more difficult it will be for you to face into a new quit. You feel doubly ashamed because now you are lying to your friends and family and it was only yesterday that they were so proud of you. It takes no time before the sneaky ones you have in your car start to stink it out again, and even though you shower regularly and make sure you smoke outdoors, your fingers begin to have that familiar stench that no amount of soap can ever cover up. And then there is your old friend the morning cough, it unpacks its bags and greets you the first morning after you have smoked, ‘long time no see, I’ll never leave you again’ it says. Even before that you notice things you never noticed when you were a hardened smoker, like the soreness in your throat when you inhale even one, the sinus dripping down the back of your throat when you lie down,quit smoking, and the sulphurous taste in your mouth after a nap even though you have brushed your teeth fastidiously. The money you took out of the bank to buy lunches for the week only lasts 3 days and you have to make another withdrawal. At first you don’t care because you can afford it but it doesn’t take long before you realise that you are avoiding the shopping malls, not because you don’t need any clothes or want to shop, but because the internal auditor inside you is reminding you that smoking must come first. Like an abusive relationship, you have returned to your bullying partner who makes sure it controls everything again, your money, your time, your emotions, your health, your friendships, your self esteem. It owns you again and in return it gently and lovingly administers the poison you love so well. Patiently it waits, nursing you through all those chest infections,smoking cessation, sore throats, teeth and gum problems and wheezing until its finest hour when it becomes your palliative nurse in your final years. So many surprises it has in store for you, will it be the slow suffocation of emphysema where you experience the pleasure of breathing for years as if a pillow was put over your face and sleep sitting up every night until you eventually succumb to exhaustion? Perhaps the double pleasure of Lung Cancer where you experience all of the above with the added pleasure of eternally drowning in your own phlegm while white hot pokers are left inside your lungs for up to nine months sizzling away inside while you cry in panicky agony for your next morphine shot? Perhaps the joys of having a stroke are in store for you, where you are perfectly lucid trapped inside a shell of a body while your loved ones, perhaps your children take turn to feed you, if you can still swallow, and complete strangers wipe your ass and care to your sanitary needs. Or maybe you will cheat on your Nicotine nurse by having a major heart attack in your forties or fifties brought on by lots of cigarette love, leaving years of unlived life and friends and family behind. I intend leaving Nick again next Monday lets hope this time it will be for good, because that kind of loving I can do without. To those of you who have escaped, stay away, this is not life, this is half-life.

I just wanna say

Hi,smoking cessation, Tim's wife Amy here. I've been lurking here so I could better understand what Tim is going through and how best to support him. I am so very proud and happy for him. But even though I came here for him I have found that I have been inspired as well. It has been a privilege to share your journeys with you and I admire and respect each one of you. It's been a long time since I quit smoking (24 years) but looking back I can see that so much of the advice here is exactly what worked for me. I can still remember coming to the conclusion that the only way to quit was to never ever pick up another cigarette and put it in my mouth. Simple (notice I didn't say easy?? ) Somehow I'd learned from my previous quit attempts what you are all teaching here. One time I even quit for several months and gave in to that "just one cigarette" and that was the end of that. So I knew that didn't work. I had to do it through trial and error (sometimes a lot of error) but for you newbies,stop smoking, you have the advantage of everyone else's experience here. Listen to them! You can learn here what you need to know to quit successfully without going through a bunch of relapses first. How cool is that??!!I'm so glad Tim found this board. I'll be hanging around and just may throw in my 2 cents now and then. Thank you for helping my hubby with his quit and congratulations to you all!

Monday, July 26, 2010

I Tried to Climb the Mountain Today!

I TRIED TO CLIMB THE MOUNTAIN TODAY.I tried to climb the mountain today. As I inched my way up the path, I felt overwhelmed, so I had to turn back.I tried to climb the mountain today. On my journey, darkness started to fall, and I was full of fear, so I had to return to a safe place.I was ready to climb the mountain today. But it was so hot outside, I thought I better stay in my nice air-conditioned house and rest up for tomorrow's attempt.I was about to climb the mountain today. But I had so many other things to do, so instead of climbing the mountain I took care of much more important tasks. I washed my car, mowed the grass and watched the big game. Today the mountain will just have to wait.I was going to climb the mountain today. But as I stared at the mountain in it's majestic beauty, I knew I stood no chance of making it to the top, so I figured why even bother trying.I have forgotten about climbing the mountain today; until a friend came by and asked me what I was up to lately. I told him I was thinking about climbing that mountain some day. I went on and on about how I was going to accomplish this task.Finally,stop smoking now, he said,quit smoking now, "I just got back from climbing the mountain. For the longest time I told myself I was trying to climb the mountain but never made any progress. I almost let the dream of making it to the top die. I came up with every excuse of why I could not make it up the mountain, but never once did I give myself a reason why I could. One day as I stared at the mountain and pondered, I realized that if I didn't make an attempt at this dream all my dreams will eventually die.""The next morning, I started my climb." He continued, "It was not easy, and at times I wanted to quit. But no matter what I faced, I placed one foot in front of the other, keeping a steady pace. When the wind tried to blow me over the edge, I kept walking. When the voices inside my head screamed "stop!" I focused on my goal never letting it out of sight, and I kept moving forward. At times, I was ready to quit, but I knew I had come too far. Time and time again, I reassured myself that I was going to finish this journey. I struggled to make it to the top, but I climbed the mountain!""I have to be going," my friend said. "Tomorrow is a new day to accomplish more dreams. By the way, what are you going to do tomorrow?"I looked at him, with intensity and confidence in my eyes, and said, "I have a mountain to climb."- Gary Barnes

I want to quit

Hi, I am new here. I gave up smoking for the third [serious] time a few months ago after reading Allen Carr's book - it was really easy to do.Unfortunately I started smoking again about 7 weeks ago, and am not happy about it at all. I want to stop but am finding it really difficult this time,Herbal cigarettes, my husband smokes heavily. I ran out of cigarettes today and was pleased to do so,quit smoking, he has just gone out and I found he had left 4 cigarettes in a pack and I just smoked one. I think he left them to be kind to me, because he could not visualise his own life without smoking, but how can I make him see that I don't want to smoke? Any suggestions please?

Is my quit too easy-

I received a PM from one of you wonderful people here last nite... the person basically wondered about my journey of quitting up to this point, and this person wanted to know how I am doing so well and said they wanted to be where I am when they get this far into their quit, and how did I do it?First of all, I'm only a little over a month quit... I wasn't sure at first about starting a thread like this, but then I thought, why the hell not? It is my story, my truth, my journey. So here goes.I quit smoking for good on May 13th... I started taking Chantix five days before my quit... I then took Chantix for two more days, just to get thru the physical withdrawal... I also only took the minimum dosage (the amount that you smoke the first three days, that's the dose I stayed on, just enuf to take the edge off)... so yes, I'm a thawed turkey.The first week wasn't really that bad... truth to tell, my whole quit has not been that bad. The first week, I had a few cravings, not too many, but they were strong cravings... they didn't last all that long except for one that I recall lasting almost all day, but I think it was more of a "want" than a "crave".For the 2nd and 3rd week, once again, not too many cravings,quit smoking, just one or two... I recall posting on here a "Grrrrrrrrr" post during that time because I was so mad at myself for wanting to have a smoke.Since then,quit smoking now, I have not had any major craves... every once in a while I will see someone smoking, and I will have a "thought" that I sure did enjoy that when I did it, but that thought disappears really quick... I mostly get that feeling if I watch tv and see people smoking or if I'm driving and see people in their cars smoking... but it's not horrible, it's not bad, it's so very doable that it's beginning to make me nervous...Yes, nervous... so I shall ask... am I the only one who is having such an easy time of it my first few months??? It makes me wonder if the nicodemon monster is just waiting right around the corner, like at my two month anny or something.I truly believe that I have gotten major attitude thru education on my addiction and that this is what has made my quit so easy... but then I read posts by people that are having one hell of a time, and I know they've also read all about their addiction... is it just easier for some of us to deal with? Or maybe I'm just such a mean person that the nicodemon is scared of me? lolPeople, is there anyone else out there like me? Even if not, please share how you're doing, I'm truly interested.Above all else: keep the quit! You really can do it! For all you new quitters, get some major attitude and don't let anything or anyone talk you into a smoke... you can rock your quit! It's all up to you... as they say: never take another puff.And lastly, never ever let your guard down... I know that the nicodemon is hiding somewhere... I feel today like I'm in the "fun house" at the carnival, just waiting for him to pop out at me... what he doesn't know is I have some anti-nico spray and it's gonna get him straight in the eye! And still, I have no craving to smoke.Rain

Interesting news article

It's Official: "Smoke-Free" Means Just ThatIn 146 countries around the world, "smoke-free" now means exactly that - stringent definitions of what it means to have a smoke-free bar or office.Friday, July 6, 2007Experience more news: Video | Photos BANGKOK (Reuters) - In 146 countries around the world, "smoke-free" now means exactly that.As well as agreeing to draw up international laws against cigarette smuggling, officials at a major World Health Organization (WHO) anti-tobacco meeting adopted stringent definitions of what it means to have a smoke-free bar or office.The guidelines, which are not legally binding, stipulate that "there is no safe level of exposure to tobacco smoke," adding explicitly that half-way measures such as designated smoking areas, air filtration or ventilation do not work."These guidelines are important to counteract some of the industry myths," Douglas Bettcher, head of the WHO's Tobacco-Free Initiative, told a news conference on Friday."The tobacco industry knows that if you ban smoking entirely in public places and work places it will encourage smokers to reduce their consumption and encourage them to quit. It also reduces the chances that people will initiate the habit."The industry says second-hand smoke is a nuisance. It's not a nuisance. It's deadly. It's lethal. It's a Class A carcinogen," Bettcher said.The guidelines do not apply in the United States, Russia or Indonesia, three countries that are not members of the WHO's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).However, anti-tobacco campaigners hope they will still act as a benchmark by which national, state and municipal rules in the three countries will be judged.WHO officials said they were also optimistic that Russia would accede to the FCTC soon following a recent demonstration of political will in Moscow to address the chronic public health problems in Russia caused by tobacco and alcohol.The week-long conference in the Thai capital also started to lay the groundwork for international laws against cross-border tobacco advertising as part of a global masterplan to get the world to kick the habit.One billion people would die of tobacco-related diseases this century unless governments in rich and poor countries alike got serious about preventing smoking,quit smoking now, Bettcher said at the start of the conference.However, if they introduced tried-and-tested policies such as aggressive taxation, banning cigarette advertising and establishing totally smoke-free public places, global smoking rates could halve by 2050,Herbal cigarettes, he said.

Hi all swoops in---------__________-33 oh boy.........._11427

It's been a while since I've been here and I came to see how my friends were doing and WOW a few slips,ok ok... here is the close attention!! ...1 puff away from 2 packs a day....its true its so true if you choose to take a(1) puff you chose to smoke again,REMEMBER THIS AS YOU CAN WELL SEE FROM THE POSTS .Keep your quits hold them dear,smoking cessation,they are, belive me.I do not judge anyone here it is not my place I can only lend support to my friends,if you need to talk e-mail me please remember the mantra......To all my friends here thanks for your support ,thanks for the posts,thanks for the dances><><><>**&&^^^ \ ) / LOL ..thanks for the ideas,most of ALL thanks for the honesty.....Wendy hope you and Den are ok hope the new quit goes ok as for the rest I send you Love Light & Peace,keep up the good work and once again thanks to you all...Anyway you se what can happen in an instant so pay mind to your quits keep in mind your quit the nicodemon wants you to lose your quit dont let him win PLEASE hope his post finds you all well hey Nana if you se this hugs to you (((()))))) thanks all who read this ...Two years, nine months, three weeks,quit smoking now, six days, 8 minutes and 34 seconds. 41200 cigarettes not smoked, saving $9,270.05. Life saved: 20 weeks, 3 days, 1 hour, 20 minutes.thanks to my friends here not one puff.....________----------------------*33.......

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hang In There!

My mom sent me this and it brightened my day...hope it does the same for you all! If nothing else, it keeps you busy reading for a bit.A lecturer when explaining stress management to an audience,Raised a glass of water and asked'How heavy is this glass of water?'Answers called out ranged from 20g to 500g.The lecturer replied, 'The absolute weight doesn't matter.It depends on how long you try to hold it..If I hold it for a minute, that's not a problem..If I hold it for an hour, I'll have an ache in my right arm.If I hold it for a day, you'll have to call an ambulance.In each case, it's the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.'He continued,'And that's the way it is with stress management.If we carry our burdens all the time, sooner or later,As the burden becomes increasingly heavy,We won't be able to carry on. ''As with the glass of water,You have to put it down for a while and rest before holding it again.When we're refreshed, we can carry on with the burden.''So, before you return home tonight, put the burden of work down.Don't carry it home.You can pick it up tomorrow.Whatever burdens you're carrying now,Let them down for a moment if you can.'So, my friend, Put down anything that may be a burden to you right now.Don't pick it up again until after you've rested a while.Here are some great ways of dealing with the burdens of life:* Accept that some days you're the pigeon,And some days you're the statue.* Always keep your words soft and sweet,stop smoking now,Just in case you have to eat them.* Always wear stuff that will make you look goodIf you die in the middle of it.* Drive carefully. It's not only cars that can be"Recalled" by their maker.* If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.* If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again,It was probably worth it.* It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to be kind to others.* Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time,Herbal cigarettes,Because then you won't have a leg to stand on.* Nobody cares if you can't dance well.Just get up and dance.* Since it's the early worm that gets eaten by the bird, sleep late.* The second mouse gets the cheese.* When everything's coming your way,You're in the wrong lane.* Birthdays are good for you.The more you have, the longer you live.* You may be only one person in the world,But you may also be the world to one person.* Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.* We could learn a lot from crayons... Some are sharp, some are pretty and some are dull. Some have weird names, and all are different colors, but they all have to live in the same box.*A truly happy person is one who can en joy the scenery on a detour.

Hard time

sigh...Never smokers and ones that have been quit for awhile have hard times too....You ever DO something that feels like pulling teeth or that feels like it is ripping at your heart, but you know you have to do it because the reality is NOT AT ALL GOOD no matter how you try to "find the good" overall just IS NOT....and you keep trying, like the frogs in the bucket with the water getting hotter but they don't know it and the cook to death...well, I am finding myself in such a place....I did what I had to do....and feel so aweful ....Grieving,quit smoking now, I I cry and not smoke...I used to cry and smoke, and likely cried more so I could smoke more...who knows....Smoking won't help, it isn't the answer, it never was...I cannot remember who said that but they are lovely and it is so true....and I do not crave...that is the one positive I can give you today...(God, please let time go by so it doesn't hurt so much―if you guys could pray, that would be really great)...thanks and,smoking cessation,katie

HELP (3)

Jeff I hope you are still around. I am in my eight hour,this is when I usually get scared and give up. I do not want to do that this time. I have been having bronkites a lot lately. I need to do this for myself. I have been reading a lot of the good stuff here and ignoring the bad. I know you told me who I could trust. Just keep praying for me. Just doing this has helped me feel a little calmer. I HAVE TO DO THIS> I refused to die like my husband. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers. love Barbara

Hanging in there

Hi all, I'm still here. Haven't been posting much, but there's been some stressful stuff going on. Lots of craves! My hubby quit dipping, it will be 2 weeks on sunday. He's using the gum like me. There was a day that was so bad, his crankiness was so contagious that I seriously considered hitting the gas station for a pack. I had an old stale pack that I hid "just in case" and we ended up throwing it away. The day after he quit, which would have made it about a month quit for me, one of my best friends died in front of me. I've loved this horse for 6 years, and his aorta blew. We didn't know it at the time. He just collapsed and started struggling to breathe. Hubby kept him breathing with chest compressions, and my neighbor (Beau was really his horse) kept throwing buckets of water over him. He thought he was overheated. Anyway, I was the one on the phone with the vet and I was the one that had to tap on his eyeball and tell everyone there that it was over,Herbal cigarettes, no blinking meant no brain activity. Then, the burial. Heartbreaking. And, another serious excuse to smoke again,stop smoking, but I didn't. One of the most awful days of my life, but I made it through. Anyway, I'm still here and have been quit for: One month, two weeks, two days, 21 hours, 10 minutes and 28 seconds. 718 cigarettes not smoked, saving $107.73. Life saved: 2 days, 11 hours, 50 minutes.

here is Ralph

hursday, July 6, 2006Encouraging wordsImagine how great it would be to have someone providing you with a constant supply of encouragement. When you get in the habit of encouraging yourself, that is exactly what you can have.All day long, you are thinking and saying things to yourself. You have the power to choose precisely what those thoughts and those words will be.Choose to make them positive,quit smoking, uplifting,smoking cessation, and encouraging. Make good use of the thousands of opportunities you get each day to provide yourself with support and direction.When you catch yourself mentally beating up on yourself, decide to stop such destructive behavior right then and there. Instead, give yourself a few words of real, sincere encouragement and notice how much more energized and effective you immediately feel.In addition, get in the habit of offering encouragement to others whenever you get the chance. That will make you more likely to send even more encouragement in your own direction.During each waking moment, you are constantly thinking or talking to yourself or others. Choose to use all that dialogue to move yourself and your world in a positive direction.-- Ralph Marston

Here I go.....

Ok, I have been a lurker for a long time,quit smoking now, have attempted to quit a few. I have finally decided to go for it again tomorrow morning. I have been deciding for week and have always come up with an excuse not too. Well after I go to bed tonight I shall wake up smoke free. I am using the gum as that has worked best for me in the past. The issue is every time I say "I quit" I crave them from the minute I start. Though my last effort was only a week or so, but I can remember how great it felt not to smoke.Every time I think of my son not having me around in the future I get motivated. He is only 21 months, but he has a sibling on the way. That is enough to sober you up as I was suppose to quit when he was born. I know he is starting to realize that Daddy goes outside a lot, I never want him to know what I go outside for. Wish me luck, I now I can do it,stop smoking now, though I may need some help. The tough part is that I work from home, so I can run out at any time for a smoke or to buy some. I know I can do this!!! I will talk to you all in the morning......I apologize ahead of time if I am a bit cranky at that point. Thanks!!!!

hi ya'll

hello there! It is nice to see a few familiar names. I have not been around since "yellar dawg" died April 25th from cancer (lymphoma cancer) it tore me up pretty bad and still does. I do not have an email address at the time so ya'll that have my home number feel free to call - I got fed up with AOL and will probably be back on line in a month or so with another server and will email those that still have the same addresses. I have been working at a health food store and love it,smoking cessation, it will scare the mess out of you when you learn what all you have been eating that is put in your bread and such,Herbal cigarettes, just organics for me now and almost totally vegan, but I gotta have the Raw Honey, it is as good as the sugar on a Krispy Kream! My quit is 5years and bout 8 months, never miss em and quitting smoking was still one of the best decisions I have ever made.Ya'll take care! (((smooch)))

Here I Is....

Morning Quit Buddies.... Thanks everyone for thinking about me. I just had the busiest last two days! I worked 12 straight hours (on my feet, running around all day) at the Lion's Christmas Basket Food drive on Friday, where I am in charge of separating the mountains of food that come in and directing 20-30 volunteers,smoking cessation, including some young kids, and alernative education kids who think they are tough, but really are sweet. I asked them, "OK, which two of you boys are the baddest, with the worse attitude." They were pointed out, and I dragged them over to the toy section of the drive - had them separating the toys for all the kiddies. At first, they were too cool, but when the teacher told them it was time to go, they said, "Oh, we don't want to go!" These great big tall young males, skin tight jeans with holes, studs everywhere, all black on. Loved those boys. Then up first thing yesterday morning to deliver to a few of the families. ARGH that is always something. PIG STYS some of them!! Must always keep in mind it's not for the bare footed lazy Mother who trotts out but for that sweet little munchkin peeking around the corner. : ) And no, all families are not lazy like that; we just happened to deliver to two who were. There are many, many families who are just having a hard time in Michigan right now. Had to love pulling up to one house, and two of them were outside smoking.. Yep,stop smoking, can't buy food but can smoke. Yikes! ADDICTION.By 3:30 I was back out the door to deliver another basket then off for the 1 1/2 hour drive to my daughter's for Christmas and babysitting after for them. Got home at 1:30. Whew... didn't get up until 10 AMYesterday, my last patch day, I just put my old one back on.... weddle down that way. I have the day to myself here (Hooray) with a bit of chores that can or cannot be done... wrapping, cards.. those dang nabbit bills to be paid again... gosh I hate paying those things. ARGH.I'll keep ya all posted. Thanks for reading my ramblings this morning, and remembering that today is NO PATCH DAY. Tooooooo funny!xoxo

Do You Really Want One-_9586

Hey everyone, First off I would like to say congratulations to all the newbies for quitting smoking, heck, congratulations to everyone for quitting smoking!! Though I would like to focus this post on the newer quitters who may not be feeling the comfort yet on not smoking. Are you having a bad day? Is it feeling a little too overwhelming quitting smoking? Are the craves feeling too overpowering? Do you just want a cigarette to alieve these feelings and anxieties? Let's think about that first cigarette that's going to aleviate all these problems associated with quitting. Let's honestly really think about it before we light it up and feel all the quitting symptoms wash away. Right now you're sitting there contemplating smoking. First off, think about that. Why can you contemplate smoking? Because ever since you quit, you now have a choice! The minute you quit smoking, you took control of your life again. You're no longer the puppet, you are now the puppeteer!!! Before you take that cigarette and light it, think about what is going to happen. You're going to take your choice and option to smoke, tear those up and throw them away. Now you'll have 2 other options. You will either have to ritually smoke again every half hour or so of every waking moment to feel so called normal or you will once again have to put yourself through the first stages of withdrawal. Neither one sounds too appetizing. Let's look at this first cigarette that your junkie side is telling you is the cure all for all these stupid problems and anxieties associated from quitting. Will you light up that cigarette, get that great AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH sensation, laugh and scold yourself for ever thinking of doing such a stupid thing as quitting smoking? Before you answer that I would like to share an experience that happened to me from a failed quit prior to this one. Almost 5 years ago I had a 3 week quit going and I was feeling these urges and craves. It felt so overwhelming. I felt I was losing my mind. I was at work and unfortunalty we could smoke on the job. I was just looking around watching all my co workers smoking. I was envious! I was depriving myself (or so I thought) and it was driving me crazy! So after a half hour of letting my junkie side pound into my head that I needed a cigarette, I went to one of my co workers and bummed one off them. Now this where I should have stopped and thought about it first,quit smoking, but I didn't. I needed that AAAHHHHHHHHHH sensation and I needed it now!!! So I lit that smoke(I can vividly remember this one cigarette to this day) and waited for that AAAHHHHHHHHH sensation to come to me. You know what I felt? It felt like someone took the heaviest wet blanket of depression and threw it on top of me. It literally felt like that. I got so dizzy. My vision was blurry. My heart felt like it was beating too fast. I felt nauseous and my body was shaking. I had to kneel down for allmost 10 minutes to re cooperate from that cigarette. What did I feel after that cigarette? I felt horrible, both mentally and physically. You know after 3 weeks of not smoking,stop smoking now, I told my friends that I really didn't feel any better from quitting. After that cigarette, I realized that I felt so much better, because the feeling of that heavy blanket was still with me after 30 minutes of smoking it. I bet you'll never guess what I also did 30 minutes later after smoking that cure all. Yep, I snuck out of the warehouse and walked across the street to the store and bought a pack of cigarettes. I gave up my choice and option of smoking. It took me 2 years to get up the courage to try and quit again. This time I got educated , made this one stick and I'm now over 3 years quit. That day I thought that "One" cigarette was going to fix my problems and look what it did. It put me right back into the grip of addiction. This is why we have to erase the fantasy of smoking. Quitting smoking is never as good as "The Fantasy" of that "One Good Cigarette," but if we act on that fantasy, we will find out how devastating and how false that fantasy really is. I guess the message of this really long post is that I know it can be hard. You will have your good days quitting and bad days quitting, but as long as you continue not to smoke, the good days will start to grow and the bad days will start to diminish until one day the bad days are nothing but a memory that you keep to remind you why you quit in the first place. There might be times when a seasoned quitter will tell you "Hang in there, it will only get better." You might think to yourself (I know I did sometimes), "Easy for you to say, you allready found comfort." The thing is, every seasoned quitter here had to go through all the same things the newbies are going through right now. There are no short cuts or magic potions. It will get better though, actually it will become fantastic ! If it didn't, I would be smoking right now. You just have to challenge yourself to do this. You deserve to break this addiction,. It is the best thing you can do for yourself! As the risk of sounding redundant, hang in there, because it will only get better and better if you Never Take Another Puff! Eric

Saturday, July 24, 2010

First Vacation without smoking! I survived!

I'm SOOOOO proud of myself for surviving my very first vacation without cigarettes! Ironically,quit smoking, the places were very smoker 'friendly',Herbal cigarettes, lol...the Atlanta airport still has smoking rooms and of course my gate on both jaunts was RIGHT in front of the smoking room! (Murphys' law in full effect) and the casino at the hotel was smokey (of course) and then the airport leaving Nassau had a smoking room that had Free internet (which is a rarity in itself there, because even Starbucks there charges for internet) So I was around smoke and smokers quite a bit. I didn't feel tempted by the smokers, the craves came at other times (the hotel room had a deck which I normally would've spent more time on than inside, even though it was cold there too!) And I was in a hotel where people walked all around smoking and there were ashtrays in the halls, etc stuff you don't even see in the states too much, even here in the South is becoming more non-smoker friendly) So it was just really ironic in a Murphys law sort of way, but I am really proud of myself that I am still going!I didn't have internet access, but I did take that little book of stop smoking tips (I forget the guy's name, but he's popular for the stop smoking easy way) and that helped when I did get some craves.I do think I have caught a cold, though Stinks..But I'm SMOKE FREE and still going strong. Wow, it was nice to leave the airport and not make everyone wait outside while I sucked down a cig, that was awesome! Kara

Free From Nicotine

So Monday I'm planning on quitting the Nicorette. I'm feeling comfortable in my quit, and I think I'm ready to quit the Nicotine entirely. I only have 2 "packs" of gum left in my box,stop smoking now, so that's more than enough for the weekend seeing as I only chew several pieces a day...(Ok maybe thats a lot LOL but I'll make it!) Here's to hoping this will be as easy as I plan for it to be,stop smoking, and also to hoping I can find a sugarless gum that I actually like to replace the Nicorette. I like this quote so I'll stick it on here since I couldn't find a picture of "hope". Haha!

Good Customers... Bad Customers...

This thought came to me this morning while sitting here.... as I WAS a bad customer yesterday. And yes, I hope they had someone to hug them too although with the crazed look in my eyes... they probably didn't take it too personally.Anyway... back when I owned my store (a bookstore), there could be nice, wonderful customers in all day long, but let that one nasty customer get a hold of me, and which customer did I think about all day??? The nice ones... of this one rotten egg?There a quit lesson here. How many things have be done since not smoking and been OK doing without the cig? How many minutes, hours,quit smoking now, days, have we been grateful, joyous and proud that we no longer smoke? But, boy put one bad hour, one bad day, in the equation,stop smoking, and we can be thinking... "Forget this! It's too hard! I'll never have any fun again! I'll always feel like this!"

Does smoking a quality cigar blow a quit-

Hi all,Well today I was given a $20 cigar by one of my close friends (for my birthday which was Jan 7th). He knew I had quit smoking but insisted that smoking a cigar didn't count,stop smoking now, and invited me to smoke it with him. What was I suppose to say? Turn down a gift? I did not want to be rude so I smoked the cigar with him and enjoyed it. Obviously I did not inhale since technically you are not suppose to inhales cigars. The only thing that worried me was that you get A LOT of nicotine that absords through the lining of your mouth (much more than cigarettes), and I do not want to reinforce a powerful addiction. After all, nicotine has been out of my system for close to 3 weeks now. Well I enoyed the taste of the cigar, but kinda felt guilty about smoking it. Should I reset my quit date to today?Thanks,Herbal cigarettes,tylerQuit date: 12/24/07

Day two!

Thank you all so much for the comments on my first day post!! I had a very busy day so I didnt have time to read them until just now. two is over and was easier for me then day one. I think its most likely because I had so much to do today. I barely even had time to think about it! I even got some sun at the beach today . I hate to say it though,stop smoking, but after all the activities of the day are through and when Im my when i start to hear the junkie thoughts. i felt some a bit ago so Im eating cheez-its. Then Im going to go finish my book. Man, this really is going to be hard. So many of the activities I associate with smoking havent come up yet. I wasn't really grumpy today though, which rocked. Well I know most likely tomorrow will be hard again,quit smoking, but I know itll get better. Im convinced!

going to be surrounded by cigarettes in 12 hours

So I work online but I clean houses on the side to make some extra money. One of my clients who is also a friend smokes in his house. He told me he would open the windows when he leaves for work in the morning and will hide his cigarettes and (hopefully) clean out the ashtrays. But it is just going to be so freaking nasty being in wasnt that great when I was a smoker...I just don't like stale indoor smoke. So, I'm like 99.9999% sure I can handle it and wont go running to the store to buy cigs..yeah right,stop smoking now, me run. I think a big factor in my success so far is that my desire for a cigarette is far outweighed by my laziness and not wanting to drive 10 miles to the nearest town, but tomorrow I will already be in town when this is happening. I need some kind of short sentence or mantra to write on my arm in sharpie ((crazy,quit smoking now, I know)) but I know it may help me. I can't think of anything awesome. Anyone have any suggestions? thankies

Friday, July 23, 2010


Ok..I'm back to work today..and I know I can't spend the day on the message board...too much work to do and dont' wanna get caught! However,quit smoking, I'm not feeling so all I have been in holed up in my cozy,stop smoking, "safe" apartment all weekend and now it's time to face the truth...the majority of our staff are all ex-smokers who are now non-smokers...but of course I have the strongest relationships with the couple who do still of the ladies popped her head in this morning and I immediately felt sorry for her...b/c I knew she was ready for our morning smoke..then I felt a little jealous...then I felt I'm's ok...I still "think" I want that cigarette but I know better now...I do need some encouraging words for today though...don't mean to sound selfish either...Everyone have a great day!

Celebrity Quitters

Do any of you know of any cool names I might add to my Celebrity Quit List? (Note: this gets a little tricky sometimes, since they quit and relapse like ordinary mortals. Sean Penn, Matt Damon and Brittney Spears all seem to have quit and relapsed. Piere Brosnan quit cigarettes but now smokes cigars. Ditto Roger Moore. Al Paccino quit cigarettes,quit smoking, but now smokes an occasional herbal.)Here's the list I've been able to come up with so far of celeb ex-smokers, reportedly still off the weed:Cary GrantJohn UpdikeJoe Eszterhas (screenwriter of Basic Instinct, Showgirls,smoking cessation, Flashdance)Anthony HopkinsPaul NewmanUmberto EcoKris Kristofferson (quit booze and tobacco)Julie ChristieBrad PittDrew BarrymoreClive OwenBilly JoelStephen KingAshton KutcherSean ConnerySir Richard BransonLiam NeesonMichael CaineChristy Turlington (model)Gisele Bundchen (model)Paul Haggis (screenwriter of Million Dollar Baby)Ben Affleck


It won't come to a huge surprise to those of you whom have read my posts, pleas, cries, bitches, rants, and raves. I did relapse after work yesterday. Sadly, I not only relapsed,smoking cessation, I bought a carton. I walked into my normal place and asked for a carton. The poor guy was happy to see me, but it was bittersweet, to say the least. I lit up that cigarette and it tasted so good at the moment. The guilt and shame that fell over me during, was beyond what words could expain.My son is at his dad's for the weekend, so I haven't had to face him yet and my biggest supporter, my boss, will be sadly disappointed in me on Tuesday when I go back to work.I even went to bed last night in tears thinking "I just messed up today, tomorrow is a new day." This morning I got up and told myself I wasn't going to smoke. I was going to look at yesterday as a mistake and try and regain myself today. I've been up for an hour and I just went outside and had a cigarette. How do I feel? Well, immediately yesterday I felt the gunk in my throat, I felt my voice starting to get crackly again, and not only did I smoke a few...I smoked more than I used to. I smoked 23 cigarettes between 4pm and 11pm last night. I lost control of myself, my confidence, my emotions, and my quit.I'm ashamed, guilty, remorseful to say the least. I am left feeling weak and hopeless. I feel like I need to start over again but then there's the other side of me that says "lose 10 pounds first, then try again, that way next time if I gain some weight, it won't be such a big deal." There's that weight factor/fear again.I want to know how many of you, whom have been so amazingly strong and have stuck to this, relapsed and started over. I want to know how you did it, how you felt,stop smoking, and anything in between.I'm sorry to those of you who stuck by my side and offered me your time, advice, and concern. I'm not saying good-bye, I just need some direction.KellyPS...Please ignore my quit counter, as it is not accurate anymore.

Canada's Warning Label

Sometimes when Newbies visit us,Herbal cigarettes, they seem to think that they just have a nasty little habit of smoking instead of realizing that they are dealing with a full-blown addiction to nicotine. It is hard to face the truth that you are an addict. Sometimes Newbies are very offended when we speak to them of their "Junkie-thinking. To help them come to grips with the situation,quit smoking, I have often referred to this warning label posted on every pack of Canadian cigarettes.This is the first time that I have been able to figure out how to take a screenshot and bring this image directly to this message board. I am greatly indebted to Joel Polito of for making it available to us here. Vic


Hello all my dear friends here. I would like to start the morning Christmas pledge today.I want to thank you all fore your support over the last year and all the support youare still giving you are so special to me I wish I could hug every one of you.I pledge not to smoke today.MERRY CHRISTMASI have been quit for 1 Year, 1 Month, 3 Weeks, 5 Days,stop smoking, 23 hours, 12 minutes and 53 seconds (422 days). I have saved $2,375.19 by not smoking 12,688 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Month,stop smoking now, 2 Weeks, 1 hour and 20 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 10/29/2007 12:00 AM

Thursday, July 22, 2010

24 hours smoke free_29918

I started the day giving myself a pat on the back...instead of reaching for a pack!I'm already noticing changes in my body, I'm craving water, orange juice and green tea. I want to stay physically busy. I do notice visual sensations,smoking cessation, like a little dizziness and images seem sharper. I'm feeling a little....not irritable, but more like impatient. It was hard to sleep last night, woke up a dozen times or more. I know each and every one of you went through this and I'm not unique,quit smoking, the key is keep hanging in there...the smoke free hours become days, weeks, years. I know I'm one puff away from failure and will be forever. I called a quit smoking number from a tv commercial, they sent a packet of free info. One helpful thing is a chart that shows hour by hour, then by weeks and days, the healing that takes place in our bodies. I'm able to check them off as they happen and it tells me what to expect next so when it happens I have a plan. The first 4 days will be the worst, one day down! I've taken to snacking when I want to smoke, I need the calories, I'm below 100 pounds (not on purpose). My mood is stable (so far), just a little antsy. I know this too shall pass! I've tried to get a ticker and must be doing something wrong. You all have such cute ones, I went to the ticker sites and for some reason, they don't work for me. That's ok- plan B- make my own and display it on my desk, move the slider daily. It's nice to see progress! I was working on it as a craft project. Odd how my concentration is so flighty! The ticker is green grass, the slider is a cut-out photo of my cat walking across the grass! My niece woke up and saw me making this craft project and thought it looked fun, though when I explained what it was, I don't think she gets it (we have a slight communication problem). And when I'm on the go, I've started putting a smiley face in my calendar book for every smoke free day. One big smile so far and kitty took her first step!