Saturday, July 24, 2010

going to be surrounded by cigarettes in 12 hours

So I work online but I clean houses on the side to make some extra money. One of my clients who is also a friend smokes in his house. He told me he would open the windows when he leaves for work in the morning and will hide his cigarettes and (hopefully) clean out the ashtrays. But it is just going to be so freaking nasty being in wasnt that great when I was a smoker...I just don't like stale indoor smoke. So, I'm like 99.9999% sure I can handle it and wont go running to the store to buy cigs..yeah right,stop smoking now, me run. I think a big factor in my success so far is that my desire for a cigarette is far outweighed by my laziness and not wanting to drive 10 miles to the nearest town, but tomorrow I will already be in town when this is happening. I need some kind of short sentence or mantra to write on my arm in sharpie ((crazy,quit smoking now, I know)) but I know it may help me. I can't think of anything awesome. Anyone have any suggestions? thankies

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