Friday, July 30, 2010

The big hill and what's all this about cilia-

Every morning on my commute to work I have to walk up this steep hill. In the past I dreaded it...straining my entire body to get up. When I'd reach the top, my heart was pounding way too fast, my lungs were literally gasping for air,quit smoking, and I'd smoke a cigarette. I am not joking. What kind of weird self abuse is that? Anyway, now when I "take" that hill,stop smoking now, I am thinking about how much better I feel during the trip and when I get to the top. Rather than an ordeal, it has become a small triumph that gets more rewarding every day. It's becoming a metaphor!!Now to switch topics. I read a post last week from a guy wearing fatiques...or at least that's what the little picture showed. It was titled something like "I just got owned" and it was all about the physical results of cilia growing back. I looked for it but couldn't find it again. I've read about that a bit but didn't know that later in your quit you could experience tightness in your chest, etc. as a result of this. Where can I find more information? I still feel these symptoms from time to time and would like to understand better what's happening to my body.Thanks in advance for replies. I am very grateful to be able to come here right now and get help getting through!

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