Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hanging in there

Hi all, I'm still here. Haven't been posting much, but there's been some stressful stuff going on. Lots of craves! My hubby quit dipping, it will be 2 weeks on sunday. He's using the gum like me. There was a day that was so bad, his crankiness was so contagious that I seriously considered hitting the gas station for a pack. I had an old stale pack that I hid "just in case" and we ended up throwing it away. The day after he quit, which would have made it about a month quit for me, one of my best friends died in front of me. I've loved this horse for 6 years, and his aorta blew. We didn't know it at the time. He just collapsed and started struggling to breathe. Hubby kept him breathing with chest compressions, and my neighbor (Beau was really his horse) kept throwing buckets of water over him. He thought he was overheated. Anyway, I was the one on the phone with the vet and I was the one that had to tap on his eyeball and tell everyone there that it was over,Herbal cigarettes, no blinking meant no brain activity. Then, the burial. Heartbreaking. And, another serious excuse to smoke again,stop smoking, but I didn't. One of the most awful days of my life, but I made it through. Anyway, I'm still here and have been quit for: One month, two weeks, two days, 21 hours, 10 minutes and 28 seconds. 718 cigarettes not smoked, saving $107.73. Life saved: 2 days, 11 hours, 50 minutes.

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